Posted Apr 26 2010, 2:19 pm in Animals as Secondary Characters, Jami Davenport, Lucy Monroe
For those of us who didn’t get to go to RT (Romantic Times Conference) this year, I’m participating in Lucy Monroe’s Readers at Home Conference. I’m kicking it off with a blog post about animals as secondary characters.
Stop by and say “hi.” There’s plenty going on all week, including tons of prizes and goodie bags to be given away.
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Hi Jami – I haven't read any of your books, but I love animals too. They are my biggest passion especially dogs and horses. I had a boarder collie named Sasha whom I adored immensely. I had to put her down in '06 and it was the worst day of my life ever – there is not a day I don't think about her. I loved her so much that I based my relationships on her. When I met my husband and he had asked me to move in with him I told him that it would depend on how Sasha felt about him. I was to move in with the understanding that if Sasha started acting funny in any kind of way, I would move back to my studio apartment which I kept for that reason. Luckily, Sasha and my husband became best of friends and the love between them was obvious. When that awful day came, I had never seen a man cry the way he did for her and he'll tell there will never be another Sasha.
I had a dog that I really loved like that. His name was Bum. There will never be another dog like Bum. In fact, it seems weird to even call him a dog. He was a friend to both my husband and me.
We both cried when his heart started to give out, and we had to put him down.
Believe me, I know how you feel.