Hawaii, Saturday Report
Posted Dec 16 2007, 6:01 pm in Life, Vacation
Our last full day in the Islands. BUMMER!!!!
Debbie and I were all dressed and heading out the door for a horseback ride on the range when the guide called. They had to cancel the ride as it was raining vertically and blowing on the other end of the island.
So we headed instead for the beach. The water was great, but the wind was blowing sand all over. It brought back memories of the wind in Pullman, Ugh. All you Cougars out there know exactly what I’m talking about.

This particular beach was considered the nicest on the island, and I would see why. The resort hotel at this beach has been closed since the last big earthquake because of extensive damage. They only allow 30 cars a day into the parking lot to use the beach, so combined with the wind, there weren’t many people there. Dennis managed to make friends with a few local residents: Feed them and they will come! See picture on the left.
After that, we took the boat ride around the lagoon at the Hilton then came back to Doug and Debbie’s for another excellent dinner prepared by Debbie.
So now it’s off to home and back to cold weather and rain. Oh, well. The memories of the good times and good friends will be with us always.
Hope you enjoyed out little reports. If you’d like to read more about Cabana Boy’s adventures, leave a comment, so we can encourage Doug to write. You can choose the “anonymous” feature if you don’t want to setup a Google account.
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